Friday, January 1, 2021

A Girl & Her Goats

 Happy New  Year, everyone! I decided that this year I wouldn't make resolutions, because I never keep them, but that I could make a few small goals; small enough that I have a better chance of keeping them. That takes losing weight right off the table, but I can at least try to get out of my office chair more often. 

One of my small goals is to try to blog my SL activity more often, which since I only have two blog posts in eight years shouldn't be too hard of a goal to meet. LOL 

So, onward we blog! 

Since I managed to finish up my SL house for Christmas and blog about it, it meant I could move on to a new house in the new year. Onsu gave a nice group gift in December(?) of a pretty little cottage(Princeton House) with 2 bedrooms and it's my next project! I moved down from the wintery sky platform to the ever green landscape below. This blog isn't actually about that house, because I just started it, but I felt the urge to blog about something 

This photo is what the blog is about, which explains the title. 

So, there I was, looking for some inspiration over at L2 Studio, which is one of my all time favorite places to buy houses. They don't release a lot of houses but I have almost every single one they have released over the years; from pre-mesh days until today. They have a new one that seems like it's building on the new Linden stilt home fad; it's a nice stilt home with a dock. Anyway... I like to go see how they've decorated their display homes because they do it so well. They whole sim is beautiful and each house looks like someone lives there and just stepped out for a minute, including clutter here and there. Plus the landscaping is amazing! 

As I was perusing the newest home I saw a cute little ceramic Christmas tree and I checked it to see where I could go get one. It was from *Hextraordinairy* so I hopped over to find it. As soon as I landed I saw the most adorable little pygmy goat in pajamas hopping around the landing space and all thoughts of Christmas trees went out of my head.


I found the gacha and played it three times. I got a companion and two wanderers. I didn't get the one in the pajamas,but they're still adorable all on their own. I gave one to my friend Gidge and then put my two out in the new front yard. I mean, how can I not have cute pygmy goats hopping and gamboling around my front yard?

I also managed to get some FLF shopping in and picked up this cute t-shirt dress and boots from Friday. I found some old system layer tights and accidentally put on some goth looking make-up, which seemed to work with the stompy looking boots. Stompy boots and goth make-up calls for some cool purple hair, so I did that too. Looking at my front door and flowers I seem to be in a purple kind of mood today, so we're going with it. 

You may have noticed that I'm a bit of a chatty blogger and my story wanders around a lot. I talk like this too, but lucky for those who love me and have to put up with me, I am usually pretty quiet in RL. Otherwise they'd end up listening to me ramble forever. 

I'll try to do a style card for my outfit if I remember, but the houses are still just random things that you can IM me and ask questions about and I'll try to answer if I can. 

I never did find that little ceramic Christmas tree, but I'm gonna go chase the goats around my yard for now and enjoy the new year.

Raynee is wearing:

Maitreya Mesh Body Lara V5.3

LOGO Chelsea Anniversary Edition Head

SKIN: Wen- Ster Skin BOM - Winter - Natural

Make-up: *{Kiko Life}* BMK 3.0 - Dark Romance - Face- Light 

Izzie's Heavy Freckles

Hair: Magika Apple Pie

Eyes: [Buzz] Celestial Eyes - Hazel

friday- Abby Tee (Not Today) Maitreya

friday - Sayo Boots (Storm) Maitreya 

Leggings: *Linc* Wool Panty Dark Gray

8 *HEXtraordinary* Pygmy Goat Companion - Black Pinto

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